This week, Eliza joins us as our new Marketing and Communications Manager. Eliza is entering her third year at the University of Edinburgh, completing her BSc in Environmental Sciences with Management. Eliza is building on her core understanding of business and excited to develop alongside Legado. We asked her to tell you a little bit about herself:

What excites you about working for Legado?

The prospect of being a part of the future of information management. In an ever-digitising world it’s exciting to be looking at innovative ways of storing and moving information which is directly useful to clients. It’s especially interesting to be a part of a company which is expanding so quickly, so it’s a great opportunity to see every aspect of how it all works.

What will be the biggest challenges?

Ensuring that our marketing continues to communicate Legado’s core values and conveys the great work done by Legado to potential clients. I look forward to working with our business analyst to familiarise myself with our product offerings and communicate them effectively to our stakeholders.

What will you be working on?

I will be working on curating social media campaigns and building on Legado’s branding. Relationship building with current and potential stakeholders is central to my role at Legado and I look forward to helping foster these relationships through our marketing and communications.

What do you do to relax?

I love to spend time at the barn with my animals or anything spending time outside to recharge.

What is something that you are particularly good at (that people may not know)?

I have ridden horses for my whole life and have medalled at national competitions. This skill has allowed me to travel allover, most recently I trained racehorses in Australia and I’m currently training my own young horses at home.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself…

I’m Canadian but I’ve lived in the UK since I was 14, so I recently got my British citizenship, which feels like its opened up a whole new set of opportunities.



Welcome to the team, Eliza!